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Bouquet of carnations still life, signed by S.Pecora 20th century “Multi-Petal” Roses, Hyacinths, “Coronary” Anemones, Scarlet Catryophyllaceae and Convolvulaceaous plants in an embossed metal vase”. Oil on canvas. Notes on the artist: S.Pecora began his career as a painter of historical subjects and achieved fame as a painter of still lifes where he showed great facility depicting flowers and fruits. His paintings have some influences from Northern works, particularly Holland, with their brilliance and vivacity. Pecora's exuberant late Baroque works were much appreciated and he was known to have derived pleasure from them along with his patrons praise. Pecora's floral bouquets differ from those of Andrea Scacciati, (Florence 1642-1704) for his intense chiaroscuro and his limpid whites. Pecora's compositions are complex and elegant with many paintings depicting metal vases, containing his varied floral bouquets. Other flowers which are typical of Pecora's work are the “coronary” anemones and the scarlet caryophyllaceae both present in this painting. The arrangement of flowers in this work are sparse not as full as can be seen in other works by the artist where his arrangements are more compact and varied. Signed S. Pecora. This is a vine-like plant There are more than 2000 species of this flower. It is known by various names, one being “rose campion”.


H 57 in. x W 47 in. x D 2.5 in.

H 144.78 cm x W 119.38 cm x D 6.35 cm

Bouquet of Carnations Still Life, Signed by S.Pecora, 20th Century

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